Tongue Thrust

Learn to breathe through your nose

Enjoy clearer speech and stronger communication

Achieve proper tongue placement, jaw alignment and overall facial harmony

​Tongue thrust, also known as “reverse swallowing,” happens when your tongue pushes against or between your teeth instead of resting against the roof of your mouth while swallowing. It’s like a little misalignment in how your tongue and mouth work together. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Our tongue thrust therapy focuses on correcting this habit, teaching your tongue to find its proper place in your mouth. By doing so, we can help you achieve a more natural and balanced oral posture, which can have some fantastic benefits.

Not only can tongue thrust therapy lead to a better-looking smile with straighter teeth, but it can also make eating and swallowing easier and more comfortable. Say goodbye to those pesky choking moments during meals!

But that’s not all—improving your tongue posture can even enhance your speech! Our therapy can help you articulate words more clearly, making your communication smoother and boosting your confidence when you speak.

So, if you’re looking for a positive change in your oral health, appearance, and overall well-being, our tongue thrust therapy is just what you need. Say hello to a happier, healthier mouth and start enjoying the benefits today!





1290 Av. Van Horne
Suite 404

Outremont, QC
H2V 4S2