Accent modification

Communicate in English with confidence

Enhance your overall communication skills

Open doors to new opportunities

What is an accent? An accent refers to the way a person pronounces words or sounds based on their native language or regional dialect. It is a natural part of a person’s linguistic background and cultural identity. Accents can vary in terms of pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and speech patterns.

The goals of accent reduction therapy, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, are to help individuals improve their clarity of speech, reduce communication barriers, and enhance their overall intelligibility in their second language or professional settings. The aim is not to eliminate or erase one’s accent completely, but rather to enhance speech intelligibility and facilitate effective communication.

Here are three common strategies used in accent reduction therapy:

Pronunciation Training: This strategy focuses on developing accurate pronunciation of individual sounds, stress patterns, and intonation of the target language. It involves practicing and refining specific speech sounds that may be challenging for you, using techniques such as repetition, modeling, and auditory discrimination exercises.

Intonation and Rhythm Practice: Intonation refers to the rising and falling patterns of pitch in speech, while rhythm refers to the timing and stress patterns of syllables and words. Accent reduction therapy often includes training in the appropriate intonation and rhythm patterns of the target language to enhance your naturalness and ease of understanding.

Speech Prosody and Stress Placement: Prosody encompasses the melody, stress, and timing patterns of speech. In accent reduction therapy, you will learn to apply appropriate stress and emphasis on key words, phrases, and sentences, as well as to modulate your speech rate and pausing patterns. This will help you create a more natural and fluent speech style, making it easier for your listeners to follow and understand what you say.

It’s important to note that each individual’s accent reduction therapy program is personalized based on their specific needs, goals, and target language. Effective accent reduction therapy also includes cultural awareness and sensitivity, as it aims to enhance communication without devaluing or erasing one’s cultural or linguistic heritage.

I use the Accent Channel method with my clients, an approach which uses research-based principles of motor learning and a specialized sequence of goals, lessons, materials, and activities designed specifically for you, to produce permanent speech improvement in the shortest amount of time.

 You’ll train your ear to recognize your own mistakes, and train your mouth to use the sounds, pronunciations, rhythm, intonation, and other features of Canadian or American English.  Then, you’ll train your brain to automatically use the new speech patterns in real conversations, so you can sound great in any speaking situation.

It’s a proven method that has worked for thousands of students, but it’s not magic.  Although you will hear some immediate changes after the very first session, permanently changing your speech habits requires consistent practice and it’s up to you to do the work between sessions. 

You’ll need to practice, just a little every day. 5 minutes is great, 10 minutes is wonderful, and 15 minutes is amazing!  But if you put in the time, you’ll hear the improvement, and it will be permanent.

My approach is focused on creating an interactive and entertaining learning experience. I believe that learning should be enjoyable and engaging, which is why I incorporate interactive exercises and activities into all of my sessions.

 What sets my approach apart is that I tailor the language exercises specifically to the communication situations that you encounter in your daily life. We will work on what matters most to you, whether it’s improving interactions with colleagues, clients, or friends, or enhancing your ability to climb the corporate ladder. By addressing your specific needs and goals, we can make a real impact on your quality of life and help you achieve greater success in your professional and personal endeavors.

Nechama is certified in The Accent Channel Method





1290 Av. Van Horne
Suite 404

Outremont, QC
H2V 4S2